Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Celebrating USANA!

This weekend Ryan and I attended the Long Beach USANA Celebration... What a rush! I love being a part of this company. A company that has given me a quality of life that few with C.F. share, an extended family that has supported me and prayed for me through every challenge and triumph, and the opportunity to create a life of total freedom and abundance!

My "USANA Story" started 15 years ago when my Uncle who worked for USANA Corporate sent a big box of product to my house and instructed my mom to have me start on the nutritional supplements right away. I was skeptical, very skeptical. I was already taking tons of pills including vitamins and I just didn't see how these products could make any difference. I learned quickly that there was something different about the USANA products as I felt myself getting stronger. I have never claimed that USANA has cured my Cystic Fibrosis, it hasn't. However, I truly believe that because my cells are getting the nutrients they need, it is allowing my body to perform as if I have a much higher lung function. I have experienced a decreased amount of lung infections and when I do get sick, I seem to bounce back time and time again in a much shorter time than I used to.

I have been on the products for 15 years. I notice a difference in how I feel if I miss even one dose and once I had a taste of what true cellular nutrition felt like in my body, I never could go off them. I honestly don't know if I would be here if it weren't for these nutritionals. When I first started on them, my health was declining rapidly and my doctors had given me about a year to live without having a double-lung transplant. Now, 15 years later, I still have not needed a transplant and have given birth to a son of my own. I believe USANA was a direct answer to my prayers and to my mom's prayers as we were desperately trying to extend my life.

USANA has not only impacted my health but has also helped Ryan to embark on a path of prevention. He takes his health seriously and lost 50 pounds with USANA's weight management products when we started working our business. He wanted to be a good representation of true health and "walk the talk."

When Ryan and I decided to build our own USANA business, we were a little scared but more excited. I had seen my mom build a multi-million dollar international business and had traveled to Australia and Hong Kong with her sharing my own story and helping to open those foreign markets. I knew first hand the incredible financial freedom and success that was available to those who were passionate about sharing this product and opportunity with others and we were determined. I was tired of having Ryan leave the house before I was awake and come home just in time for dinner. I knew that if we were to be blessed with a family, I would need him home with me to help with the kids while I did my treatments and during my "tune-up" stays in the hospital. So...we set our intention, went to work and brought Ryan home : )

Building our business has been a dream come true. Ryan and I are able to be home with Harrison, I don't know another more hands-on dad and I will always be grateful to USANA for that blessing!

Learn more about USANA Health Sciences here!

Or take a free Health Assessment at our USANA website.

Here are a few of my favorite USANA videos:

Here's to doing what you love and loving what you do!


Emily said...

I am so happy for you, Sharlie. You have done so well with your health and it's great you and Ryan can work together. I didn't realize you were in need of a transplant 15 years ago. That is amazing how well you have done, Praise the Lord. Sometimes I find myself wondering if I had done some things different if my outcome would be where I am today. I guess you can't live in the "what ifs" of life. Thanks for being a great example.

Robyn said...

Sharlie, I stumbled on your blog from reading another cf blog and I'm really interested in USANA. I also have cf, I'm 34 with a 3 year old daughter. I have been looking for a little "boost" and I think usana may be what I need. I checked out the website, could you give me advice on what supplements would be good for someone with cf? Thank you, Robyn

Anonymous said...

You must be a great fan of Usana...

usana vitamins said...

I love this vitamins. Thanks for the information