Even though I've been desperately trying to elongate our summer, I think it's time to embrace fall...Fall is definitely here and before I post about taking Harrison to the pumpkin patch, I want to record some of the fun visits we had this summer. Hopefully the visits won't end now that summer is gone, we LOVE visitors!
When we got home from Colorado and Wyoming, Derek and his kids were here staying with my mom. We missed Katy but we were so happy Derek, Palmer and Meredith were here for a few extra days so we could spend some time with them. Harrison is really drawn to Derek (it's his peaceful, loving, accepting nature that draws everyone to him and Harrison was also sensitive to it) and he also loves Palmer and Meredith too, especially when he can pretend he's playing Mario Cart with them : )
Cuddling with Uncle Derek

Mersy with Jaydn and Addie

Intent on doing everything Palmer does!

"All this steering is wearing me out!"

Next we had some quality girl time with Syd and Ali. When I was sick back in January, Syd sent me the most loving message and this was her last promise: "I know Harrison and Ryan are extraordinary reasons for you to take care of yourself...but in case you need any more reasons....the Snarr girls are itching for a road trip to southern California as soon as Ali gets home....so we'll see you in a couple months."
Ali has been studying in Jerusalem and I was so excited to hear about her experiences and spend some time with her and Syd, they are truly like another mom and another sister to me and I love them and their whole family so much. We ate and did the spa thing and even got in a trip to Legoland with Ali and her boyfriend Dan. It was such a great visit!
Downtown San Diego

Glen Ivy Hot Springs...the mud is always a highlight!

Legoland with Ali!
I love this girl...

I love these boys...

One of Harrison's favorite rides...he put his hands up without any prompting, it was adorable!

Ali snapped this one and I love it

Ali smoking Dan on the slides

Ending the day with a boat ride

After Syd and Ali left we had a spontaneous visit from Maddie!! I've been begging this girl to come visit me and she finally did it...it just took an opportunity to see Kip from Bachelorette in person to get her here!! We had a Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser to attend and it turned out that one of the auction items was a date with Kip, a good friend of ours. We had a few extra tickets so Maddie and her friend Julianne came with us and it was so much fun. Here are some of my favorite photos from the night. Maddie took most of them with her amazing camera.

I was so touched by Kip's willingness to give and support our cause. He alone raised more than $8,000 for C.F. research. THANK YOU KIP, you are awesome!!
Before Maddie left, she gave Harrison a much needed haircut!

Little did we know then that Maddie's trip here would put the wheels in motion for her coming to live with us for almost a year while she goes to school here in San Diego. The Lord really does work in mysterious ways and now when we look back at that short visit, we know that is what started everything and we are so grateful to have her here with us...but that is a whole other post that will come later!!
What a fabulously fun summer we had. The highlights were definitely moving into our new house and immediately having visitors to use our new "guest room!" We are still open for visitors anytime!