I'm at it again...home I.V.'s. If you're curious about what that entails, go back and read this post. I have not been feeling 100% for several weeks and I just couldn't kick this persistent bug despite all the things I was doing to fight it so I finally relented and called my doc. We compromised and I was able to avoid the E.R. and being admitted which was such a HUGE blessing! Instead I got a PICC line placed and started my treatment at home.
It makes such a difference to be at home with my boys. Harrison, as always, is my best medicine and Ryan takes such good care of me! He should have been a male nurse like Focker : ) Sleeping in my own bed and not being woken up at all hours of the night to check "vitals" is also a major plus of home I.V.s!!
I started the meds on Thursday and yesterday was my "turning point." You know that day where you just feel like you are finally on the track to getting back?! Yesterday was that day and I am feeling even stronger today. Despite this setback, I feel so blessed that even though I did have to start I.V.s, this time around was much more mild than some of the setbacks in the past and considering the fact that this is a degenerative disease...that is a very good thing! If my infections can get fewer and far between and become increasingly easier to bounce back from, that is a miracle in and of itself and is so encouraging!
Thank you all so much for your prayers and concern for me. It is amazing how healing it is to know how much positive energy is being sent my way!
Hey Shar! Glad you are feeling better and surrounded by your healing boys!!! I kept thinking about you, so I am glad you posted and let us know what's up! We need another cysta email... been too long... stay tuned :)
Hugs, hugs, hugs!
I am so glad you are feeling better Shar. You have been in our prayers. I hope you continue to feel even better :-)
Thank you for your positive energy and endurance Sharlie. You are such a positive role model for everyone who knows you. Do you love having boys to take care of you?! :)
I am so sorry that you have had another set back. you are one of my heroes. Sending prayers your way. :)
im glad youve hit your turning point. We love you so much. I cant wait to hear about harrisons 2nd birthday!! love you
I am praying for a speedy recovery!
I have to say that you are so amazing Miss Sharlie. I love you lots.
Thanks so much again for the the lotion, baby oil, and diaper cream. It has been so useful. Both boys have had really dry skin.
I am so glad you are feeling better. I can totally understand how seeing Harrison everyday would make better in an instant. He's a cutie. You are a lucky mommy.
I am glad that you are starting to improve, Sharlie....and I hope it continues! Take care!
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