There are many stories I could record here to honor my mom but one of my favorite memories that illustrates how amazing she is to me happened in November of 2000. She flew to Hawaii for a business reward trip. She had looked forward to the trip for months and was excited to be completely pampered by the USANA home office. She had earned the trip and deserved it, I was excited for her too. I hadn't been feeling well but downplayed it because I knew if she thought I was sick she would stay home. However, the day she left, things went downhill fast as they tend to do when I get a lung infection. I knew it was serious and was scared by the serious conversations I had with my doctors. I knew I needed to let my mom know what was going on but I didn't want to ruin her trip. I left a message telling her I was at the hospital. I can't remember if I asked her to come home, I just remember that the next morning when I awoke she was sitting next to my hospital bed. I gasped when I opened my eyes and saw her there and then tears of relief overflowed. I knew once I saw her that I could get through this and that everything would be alright. She came to me and kissed me on the forehead and whispered, " I'm sorry I wasn't here for you yesterday, I had to fly to Hawaii to get you this lei."
She had flown to Hawaii, and traveled to the stunning resort. Before she unpacked her bags, she listened to her voicemail messages. After she heard my message she took her bags right back down to the front desk and asked them to call an airport shuttle. She received a Priesthood blessing from some of her dear friends before she left for the airport and then she flew all night and came straight to the hospital and sat by my bed until I woke up.
This is a passionately dedicated mother to all five of her children and now an amazing Grandma to her 11 grandchildren. She has inspired me to be a loving, accepting, nurturing, adoring and fun mother to Harrison and all I have to do if I am ever stuck is ask myself, "what would my mom do or how would she handle this?" Above all her qualities, the one that is the most fun is what a spaz she is... no shame. I have peed my pants more than once laughing at her spaziness. Watching her take this photo was one of those gut splitting, leg crossing times:

Her Christlike love for everyone around her draws people to her which is why she was destined to succeed. She has influenced the lives of thousands and is a mentor to all who wish to make a difference in the world by blessing others. She does so quietly but abundantly. She is the most generous person I know. It may be easy to be generous with your family and loved ones but what I admire is her anonymous generosity to complete strangers or any random person or cause that touches her heart. This is her in Africa sharing the love.
As lucky as I feel to have her as my mom, I am even more grateful that Harrison has her as his Grandma. He is a blessed little boy to have her and I know they will continue to develop a deep relationship.
Happy Birthday mom. Thank you for everything! I am the Luckiest...
What a beautiful tribute....and so deserving. We all feel lucky to have her in our lives.
That was a wonderful and heartfelt tribute.
Sharlie... that was an awesome tribute. And the words so true. She knows no stranger and her love is so engerizing and healing. You shine her love as well! Please pass my love and birthday wishes to her!
Much Love... xoxo
Loved this post!!
You and your mom are so cute I just love you both!! Please tell her Happy Bday for me and call me when you are free so we can talk before you leave for sanoviv.
Hey Sharlie- I saw your comment on Holly's blog and thought I would check out what you have been up to. I love your posts about your mom and Lexi. (tear jerkers for me-but it is an Anderson thing.) I really look up to you and your family! I have often told my husband stories about your family. You guys are a strength to so many. I am so excited you have Harrison. He is so cute! Take care!
Shar! I love you! And I love your mother. Your family is amazing. Hope everything is great!!
I love that everytime I see your mom she's smiling:o) Happy Birthday to an amazing woman!
No...I am the luckiest. I often wonder what wonderful thing I did in the pre-existence to deserve the children who were sent to me. You were mine before you were ever born. There is no doubt in my mind we were meant to be here for each other. Thank you for the darling girl you were and the beautiful woman you have become. And thank you for always seeing the best in me. I love you! Mom
Yet again, I sit at your blog crying and feeling like I can try a little harder and be a little better because of the examples set forth by you and your family. Thank you Sharlie for being such an inspiration.
I am so inspired by this post. Thank you for sharing it. I love your sweet mom. Thank you both for your great examples.
Why do your posts always make me cry!? I was visiting my mom's ward a few weeks ago and your mom shared about her experiences in Africa and with CF foundation. The moment she got up there the lesson went from boring to uplifting and in three minutes I was crying. I can't think about your amazing fam without crying. You are just like your momma. Amazing! I was glad I was able to hear her share her feelings!
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