I am literally in SHOCK! Where did all my son's hair go?! Harrison's hair grows so fast and it was just a couple months ago that we took him in for a professional cut...since then we have had to trim it a few times and still there is always hair falling in his eyes and hanging over his ears!!
I said to Ryan today, "Honey, maybe we should just use your clippers on the longest setting to get it completely out of his eyes and save some money." I thought he would call my bluff and agree to let me take him in again for a cut. But, tonight, he got out his clippers and went to work! When Harrison saw himself in the mirror, he started crying. I felt like crying myself...my babies hair was gone!
I have to say, I still think he looks adorable but I am definitely experiencing a little "clipper shock" and will have to get used to this new do! Ryan assures me his hair will all be back by next month! Here's a few Before and After shots!
I LOVE his blond locks!!... long OR short!!! You have a major cutie on your hands, Shar!!!!! xo
He's super cute, long or short!
awww... i like it!!
he is darling! trust me...it is crazy keeping up with boys hair... a clipper session every now and then is ok... especially when he is that adorable!!
Aww... he looks so grown up now!!! What a cutie!
He can pull any hair style off. He is so adorable!
Don't worry, Sharlie - Harrison is still absolutely adorable!! I can understand the shock though - I cut three inches off my hair a few months agao, and it gave me a slight anxiety attack.
He has such beautiful blond hair!
He is adorable! And at least he's still so blond..i'm afraid to cut Carson's hair because it gets darker every time I do:(
totally been there! AHH! but he looks SO SO cute either way! Sorry I have not called you back yet. Tomorrow?
How did the seminar go the other night, I so wanted to go things came up though. I am bummed I missed it, let me know if there are more of those.
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