I'm talking about our annual trip to Lake Elsinore to babysit for Zak and Kelli!
Even though going from being parents of one toddler to being parents of five kids under the age of 9 has it's challenges, we always love our one-on-one time with these kids and take home lots of fond memories and even stronger bonds when the week is through. It is a blessing to be able to do this each year.
Among other things, we got to attend end of the season sporting events and ceremonies where both Zachy and Jaydie got medals!
And every night before bed all the kiddos would cuddle up on the air mattress to watch a few youtube videos.
These are just such adorable, good kids and Harrison was in heaven with all the attention. Him and Sawyer were little buds. Highlights were Scripture study every morning and hearing the kids sing a Primary (children's church) song before they left for school, our nightly youtube screenings before bed, movie night with ice cream, jumping on the trampoline with the two little ones while the big kids were at school, doing the girls hair for school and rocking with Sawyer every night while feeding him his bottle and reading him stories before bed (I miss those bottle sucking sounds so much!)