Harrison was old enough to be enthralled with the atmosphere and was seriously so good. He was patient when he was in his stroller and even went on some rides with us. It was more entertaining for us to watch him than to actually be on the ride. On Pirates of Caribbean he snuggled in tight to us and just observed everything with the widest eyes I have ever seen. We kept trying to distract him by pointing out all of the doggies but I'm afraid we may have traumatized him! He didn't cry, he just stared in shock...
The Buzz light year ride was a hit and we topped off the night with the parade of dreams where I hope he recovered from Pirates! It melted my heart to watch him waving to all the characters and make quacking sounds whenever he saw Donald Duck on the float. It was seriously a perfect day... gorgeous weather, no lines, and such a happy boy!! Thank you mom, Ric, and Dax and Sanam for coming with us!! We missed the rest of you so much!
Our little Mickey Mouse!
We got caught in the fish net at California Adventure!
Beach Boys!
Carousel Ride with my angel!
We opted for the stationary Tea Cup : )
Watching the Parade of Dreams!
Harrison had a perfect view from Ric's shoulders...Thanks Ric!!
Goodnight Disneyland!
Now I am off to the healthiest place on earth...SANOVIV where I will go from devouring a bag of Disney sour balls with Ryan to feasting on sprouts, glorious sprouts and drinking green juice and wheat grass all day!! YUM! I am looking forward to my annual stay at Sanoviv and truly believe my time there adds years to my life. I will receive a subclavian line for Chelation therapy and high doses of Glutathione and other antioxidants and minerals that will go straight into my blood stream instead of having to go through my digestive system. Among other things, I will receive different oxygen therapies and bioenergetic therapies, inferred therapy, thalasso pool therapy, personal training and best of all I will get a wonderful cleansing colonic every other day....TMI? I will attend nutrition education classes and healthy cooking classes and will eat a mostly raw diet. It will be a very busy but healing two weeks!! Computers and cell phones are not permitted so I will be completely out of touch for two weeks and look forward to catching up on my favorite blogs when I return : )